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On display: Evi Olde Rikkert, student In Situ

Evi Olde Rikkert, student In Situ

Cheese cellar

Last summer Evi was a shepherd in the Italian Alps. As a reward for her work there she received 150 liters of milk, which she milked herself. Together with shepherd Armando, she transformed the milk into two cheeses. She took the cheeses, wheels of 10 kilos each, by bus from the Alps to Antwerp. Once here, a good place had to be found to allow the cheeses to ripen: a constant temperature, constant humidity and no light were the factors for choosing the room. This is how she ended up in the basement of the academy, under the sculptor's studio. They were turned over once a week, an important aspect of the ripening process. One of the cheeses was exhibited from 28 to 30 June. The other cheese is vacuum packed and ready for consumption in a refrigerator in the workshop of the courses in Dambruggestraat 342.

Katoennatie tour

The head office of Katoen Natie appears not to be a normal office building. Hidden treasures are kept in the inner core of the building. Enter the dark room. Who / what do you see here? There is a special carpet on the wall, displayed behind glass. It appears to be depicted on a map or landscape, but only fragments are still visible. Rikkert interviews the restorer of the carpet: “This textile has been underground for several thousand years, in Egypt or somewhere along the silk route. Due to the constant climate in the desert and the dry soil, it is well preserved. Textiles can normally only withstand a little variation in temperature. ”Evi conducts research into what the rest of this landscape would have looked like. A 3D model made by Evi can be viewed on a touchscreen to further explore the knotted landscape. (collaboration with curator of the textile collection Danaë Vermeulen, thanks to Katoen Natie and the Phoebus Foundation)