ARTICULATE 2022 | AP School Of Arts Skip to main content
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ARTICULATE. Art & Research days

In this 7th edition of the annual festival ARTICULATE, the Royal Conservatoire and the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp once again present an exciting programme that invites you to discover the richness and diversity of artistic research. Get inspired by the variety of shapes, situations and outcomes that artist-researchers generate during their artistic process!

→ WEEK 1 / 16-21 October at the CONSERVATOIRE
→ WEEK 2 / 24-28 October at the ACADEMY




BOEM 2022. Belgian Encounter of Electroacoustic Music 

A musical encounter between composers, audience and electroacoustic music. For its third edition, BOEM collaborates with ARTICULATE.
Sun 16.10

BOEM - Pioneer Concert
__19:00 Introduction
Pioneer compositions of Raoul De Smet, Lucien Goethals, Henry Pousseur, Arsène Souffriau, Herman Van San, Greet Martens, Leo Küpper

Mon 17.10

BOEM - Double Concert
__19:00 and 21:00
Creations by Gildas Bouchaud, Moniek Darge, Joris De Laet, Philippe Druez, Stephan Dunkelman, Umut Eldem, Ann Eysermans, Jean-Pierre Jonckheere, Stéphanie Laforce, Kristof Lauwers, Thibault Madeline, Victor Outters, Jean-Louis Poliart, Dirk Veulemans

HYBRID ARTICULATIONS. Curated by Andrew Claes

A selection of concerts, keynote presentations and lectures on the interplay between contemporary technology and the arts. 
Tue 18.10

First PLAY!
Today’s focus is all about what makes an artist: the work itself.
__16:00 - 22:00
Artistic contributions by Anton Lambert and fyllenia grigoriou, Klaas Devos (REACh. & Collabs.), Umut Eldem and Giusy Caruso, Paul Abbott, Andrew Claes, Dagobert Sondervan, Kasper Jordaens, Herlinde Verjans, Christophe Pochet, Jasmien Van Hauthem, Romek Maniewski-Kelner

Wed 19.10

Then TALK!
What? Why? How? Wednesday is all about the research.
__14:00 - 17:30
Lecture-presentations by Andrew Claes, Klaas Devos, Adilia Yip

Wed 19.10

Aurora Electronica
__20:00 - 22:00
Concert by HERMESensemble and ChampdAction, with Kaija Saariaho, Daan Janssens, Serge Verstockt, Mathilde Wauters

Wed 19.10

Party with a coder-DJ, with Andrew Claes and guests


Artist-researchers of the Conservatoire present their research to the students during workshops and artistic presentations.
Thu 20.10

Open Classroom: CORPoREAL invites DRAMA
__14:00 - 18:15
With Bob Selderslaghs, Marijn Prakke, Mira Bryssinck, Josefien Cornette, Kathleen Coessens, Karel Tuytschaever, Lauranne Paulissen, Edith Cassiers

Thu 20.10

Open Classroom: MUSIC
__15:00 - 18:00
With Anne Pustlauk, Hannah Aelvoet, Simon De Paepe, Pauline Lebbe, Jeroen Malaise

Fri 21.10

Open Classroom: MUSIC
__09:00 - 10:30 / 13:00 - 15:00
With Giusy Caruso, Piet Verbist

Fri 21.10

Open Classroom: DANCE
__10:00 - 12:00 / 15:00 - 19:30
With Klaas Devos, Renata Lamenza, Stefania Assandri, Researcher >1, Arkadi Zaides, Max Greyson

WEEK 2 / 24-28 OCTOBER at the ACADEMY


The Master students of the Academy follow one of the five-day experimental, reflective, and thematic research classes, supervised by artist-researchers. 
Mon 24
- Fri 28.10

Interactive Sound Machines
By Max Schweder and Charo Calvo

Sculptural Soundscapes
By Anna Godzina, with Pierre Coric and Cornelia Zambila

Accelerated Life
By Ben Borden

Hands, letters, holes, silences and songs
By Andrea di Seregeno Alighieri and Martino Morandi

Intuition is a muscle / part 3. Excercises to move to a more holistic and organic practice
By Els Dietvorts, Dirk Braeckman and guests

By Charlotte Koopman

Fri 28.10

Presentation research classes
__15:00 - 16:00
By all Master students of the Academy

EXPANDING ACADEMY. On Art and Education

Mon 24.10

Radical Hospitalities, Radical Pedagogies
Expanding Academy and situated knowledge in the Arts

__19:00 - 21:30
Public debate with Sara Alberani, Zoe Butt, Nico Dockx, Sandi Hilal, Morten Goll and Judith Wielander, moderated by Johan Pas


Thu 27.10

Making Art + Research Public
__16:00 - 17:45
Roundtable and networking event organised by ARIA and FORUM+, in the context of 'Art x Research x City - ARIA's month for Research in the Arts'


Thu 27.10

Intuition, Feedback and Resonance, as keys for experimental musical performances
Public performance evening with Clare Strand, Frank Agsteribbe, Janna Beck, Wouter Steel, Eric Thielemans, and students from the Academy and the Conservatoire