What principles do we hold to be self-evident? How would dignity be a human right? Whom do we best emulate in the sphere of the arts or in the domain of the judiciary? Does the concept of dignity stand firm in today’s media? And what has been dignity’s development in the world of care?
Ten guest lecturers elucidate the concept of dignity, for themselves and their environment. Do they take the moral highway? How do they keep a clear eye, a pure soul, a straight back in dignity?
Does promoting veracity equal silence? Must the truth be sacrificed in order to advocate dignity? Standing up for the rights of the meek, while ranking the environment at second place? Advancing society by enhancing technology, ending up with a robot for arbiter?
If the previous editions of Boundaries, Passion, Conflict, Trust and Lust challenged your curiosity, this season’s Dignity will do so, no less.
Programme / programma
Tuesday, October 8, 2019, 19h
Mieke De Ketelaere, director Artificial Intelligence IMEC
Artificial intelligence: real potential or hype? (in English)
Tuesday, October 22, 2019, 19h
Latifa Chebaa, MOPA (Moslims en Palliatieve Ondersteuning)
Einde leven en sterven in waardigheid binnen de Islam
Tuesday, November 5 2019 – Tuesday November 5, 2019, 19h
Imade Annouri, GROEN
Waardigheid als baken in tijden van polarisatie
Tuesday, November 19, 2019, 19h
Kati Verstrepen, mensenrechtenadvocaat
Het recht op een ‘mens’waardig leven
Tuesday December 10, 2019, 19h
Mathieu Charles, Minderhedenforum
Less than human: politics of dignity, Enlightment and colonial strategies (in English)
Tuesday February 4, 2020, 19h
Dalilla Hermans, journalist en auteur
Tuesdag March 10, 2020, 19h
Baldwin Van Gorp, hoogleraar journalistiek
The many faces of the journalist: from the detached watchdog to the critical change agent (in English)
Tuesday maart 17, 2020, 19h
Jeroen Olyslaegers, schrijver en theatermaker
Tussen Medusa en de Minotaurus
Tuesday March 31, 2020, 19h
Jan Blommaert, sociolinguist and linguistic anthropologist
Language and dignity (in English)
Tuesday, April 28, 2020, 19h
Jan Vandenhouwe, intendant OperaBallet Vlaanderen
Practical information
No entrance fee.
Registration is compulsory Register here.
All lectures start at 7 pm and finish at 9 pm. They take place in the Yellow or White hall at the Royal Conservatoire Antwerp, campus deSingel.
If you have any questions, please contact studiumgenerale@ap.be.
About Studium Generale - chair Kinsbergen
This lecture series offers an opportunity to hear (international) lecturers in action. Annually, the theme of the series is chosen in such a way that reference can be made to every field of study. This year’s theme Dignity will be highlighted from various angles. The lecturers reflect on their personal experience with the theme.
The lectures are given in English or Dutch. After each lecture, there is a short debate with the audience.
Studium Generale - Chair Kinsbergen is an initiative and collaboration of Artesis Plantijn University College Antwerp, with deSingel International Arts Campus and Kunsthuis Opera Ballet Flanders.