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The Inner Blackbox

The Inner Blackbox is an interdisciplinary music performance exploring how the concept of a black box, which is a metaphor for our inner world, can be fleshed out and translate into space. The Inner Blackbox is about the struggle people experience between an ‘I’ and a ‘you’-the desire for connection and the desire for a private space. Franz Kafka's short story The Hole provides an inspiration and metaphor for various themes in this regard.

This performance brings a unique mix of classical music, theatre and dance to the stage with the harp playing a central and dynamic role. The Inner Blackbox explores various themes such as existential uncertainty, loneliness, fear and the longing for connection Comforting lullabies, timeless compositions by Bach and contemporary improvisations with cello and drums form the soundtrack of this compelling experience. The Inner Blackbox does not tell a story, but creates connection by offering a space where universal emotions that are often left unsaid are allowed to exist. n.

Vadergoten (harp), Ceres Lauwers (cello), Robbe Broeckx (drums), Emily Steele (dan s)

coaching: Wouter Van Lo