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PhD defence Umut Eldem

Hearing Glass: Synesthetic Correspondences in Music Based Audiovisual Art

Artistic presentation and public PhD defence of 'Hearing Glass: Synesthetic Correspondences in Music Based Audiovisual Art’conducted by Umut Eldem between 2019 and 2024 at Royal Conservatoire Antwerp and University of Antwerp (ARIA)


16:30 - 17:00 Concert
17:00 - 19:00 Presentation and public defence
19:00 - 21:00 Reception (Witte Foyer)

Timmy De Laet (chair), Bart Eeckhout (supervisor University of Antwerp), Thomas Moore (supervisor Royal Conservatoire Antwerp), Liselotte Sels (Royal Conservatoire Antwerp), Maura McDonnell (Trinity College Dublin), Caroline Curwen (University of Sheffield)

Hearing Glass is a research on the role of synesthesia and crossmodality in music-based audiovisual art. Weaving through the traditions of visual music, audiovisual instruments, and generative art, the project unfolds into a unique musical and audiovisual composition style.
The phenomenon of sound-color synesthesia, the experience of colors upon hearing sound, is the starting point of the research. An analysis of the works of synesthetic composers and audiovisual art reveals insights into novel concepts and techniques that bring sound and vision together in the compositional practice. The practice of audiovisual composition is then combined with new technology and creative coding in order to create performances, installations, and fixed-media works that contain synesthetic microcosms.
This research explores the transdisciplinary space between senses and disciplines, and the positioning of the musician and composer in this vast sea.