Shinrai 信頼 e Saudade: The Legacy of the Encounter | AP School Of Arts Skip to main content
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Shinrai 信頼 e Saudade: The Legacy of the Encounter

Have you ever wondered how much of your identity is influenced by histories of cultural exchange?

The story of our countries, Portugal and Japan, began in the 16th century when a Portuguese ship arrived in Nagasaki, Japan. For this special performance, we present the drama of the mutual explorations (of each other’s cultures), the richness of shared knowledge, and the darker moments with a unique blend of both countries’ musical influences.

Poetry, literature, and other visual sources like maps, paintings, and historical documents will further colour this narrative of cultural exchange. Experience this remarkable collaboration, impressive history, and passion—right before your eyes.

Afonso Ferreira (violin), Moeka Arai (piano)

coaching: Naomi Beeldens