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What's Next?! Subsidies

What's Next?! Subsidies (JINT, Fameus en Alex Mallems)

6.5.2025 > 19:00 - 21:00

Content of the session

During this session we will learn more about different subsidy lines, ranging from options in Antwerp, to Flemish and even international possibilities.

Lies Jacobs from JINT introduces their office

Are you a passionate young artist looking for new support possibilities and opportunities to create artistic projects with local impact or an international exchange process? Then don't miss our information session on funding opportunities within Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps!

Through an information session we will introduce you to the various possibilities JINT offers for young people (between 18 and 30 years old) who want to focus on solidarity, participation and/or international exchange through an artistic project. You will get examples of approved creative or artistic projects with and for young people and we will focus on the criteria that the different project calls must meet.

Tetty Kayembe from Fameus enlightens us about the "Fonds voor Talentontwikkeling"

The "Fonds voor Talentontwikkeling" of the city of Antwerp supports leisure artists and recently graduated artists with a financial boost of up to €7,000 to develop an artistic project. Do you want to submit an application but don't know where to start? Tetty Kayembe, active at Fameus, guides artists in drawing up a strong application and provides practical advice to shape your project plans.

Alex Mallems presents: Where is the Money and how to get it? Funding possibilities for young artists

Starting as a professional artist is hardly possible without support. The Culture Department of the Flemish Community offers a range of possibilities for young artists to get funding. In this session, Alex Mallems, former lecturer at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp and chairman of the commission Fine Arts that advises the Flemish Ministry of Culture, will present a number of options (artists grants for development, project subsidies, etc) young artists can apply for. He will deal with practical tips and tricks: Where can you find the right information? How can you apply? What is important in order to write a correct grant application? What could be a best practice to be successful? Where can you ask for advice? Etcetera. This session will end with a Q&A and is open for both students, teachers and alumni of the Academy.



Please register via this form: https://forms.office.com/e/ZCz6PsWvWz

What's Next?! Subsidies (JINT, Fameus and Alex Mallems)

6.5.2025 > 19:00 - 21:00

Aula Pand, Mutsaardstraat 31, 2000 Antwerp