36 | AP School Of Arts Skip to main content


by Karel Tuytschaever

Mon 25.10 – Fri 29.10
10:00 – 18:00 (continuously)

What can a portrait mean or make possible?

From September 2020 to June 2021, Karel Tuytschaever put his body at the service of 2D and 3D visual artists. He asked all of them the same question: "Would you like to make a portrait that you believe is a truly embodied portrait of me, seen through your eyes?"

During ARTICULATE, Karel Tuytschaever makes 36 encounters between him and portrait artists shareable in the installation ‘36’.

The 36 portraits are made by Jack Davey, Senne Roekens, Chris Snik, Robert Soroko, Anna Sastré Garcia, Bruno Ledeyt, Rochus Marr, Cisse Royens, Yorgos Maraziotis, Alexandra Panoutsopoulou, Jente De Graef, Jill Bertels, Olivier De Vos, Joery Erna, Glenn Cox, Barbara Vandendriesche, Eva van Aken, Stefanie de Bakker, Gina Siliquini, Assia Bert, Axelle Van Meel, Saverio Sammartino, Sam Beddegenoodts, Giulia Cauti, Daria-Ana Oprean, Sarah Kirchner, Charlotte Hannes, Kris Meeusen and Yanis Berrewaerts.

‘36’ is part of ‘The transparent body’, a two-year research project at the Academy, on portrait-making as a way to gain insights into the way visual artists look at bodies today.


a radio play accompanied by a 2-channel video installation /
colour / sound / Dutch & English spoken, English subtitled / 24:29 minutes, in a loop

​​​​Concept, text, edit, voice, Karel Tuytschaever 
Sculpture and painting photography, Joery Erna
English editor, Martha Gardner

​Thanks to, Ingrid Leonard / FOMU, Piet Van Hecke / M HKA & Katleen Vinck 
Special thanks to research group Body and Material Reinvented, Roel Arkesteijn & Ria De Boodt 

Co-produced by Royal Academy of Fine arts, Antwerp / AP Hogeschool, C-TAKT and DansBrabant
In residency at DansBrabant, Zuidpool and C-TAKT

(Image: 'Heart X Sweat', 2021, a portrait of Karel, by Joery Erna - detail)