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Conversation 'Artificial Ecologies'

Artificial Ecologies

Conversation with Johan Pas, Nico Dockx, Roel Arkesteijn, Eline De Clercq and Luc Deleu

How eco is land art? Can we learn something from the first generation land and eco artists of the 1960s and 70s?
Has the documentation of their ephemeral projects something to say to us? If so, what? How to activate this archive?
Research group ArchiVolt invites some friends to discuss these and other related topics with the audience.


(Image: exhibition 'Ecosystems', with printed matter by the early land-, earth- and eco- artists, on view in the Lange Zaal until 9 November; photo by Wannes Cré)

This conversation is part of ARTICULATE 2023 I ECOSYSTEMS.