Anton Lambert (°1997, Belgium) obtained a Master Jazz (2022) and a Master Live Electronics (2023) at the Royal Conservatoire Antwerp. He is active as a double bass player in various ensembles, such as One Frame Movement, Umami Quartet, Mycelium and a-e-i-o-u. and collaborates on interdisciplinary performances as a sound designer and composer or creates sound installations for multi-media artworks. Some examples of past and ongoing collaborations: ‘Feeble Core’ (2020) with Joppe Venema, ‘HACHŌ’ (2021) with Kaori Ishiguro, ‘The One moves The Other doesn’t’ (2022) with Fyllenia Grigoriou and ‘Language No Problem’ (2023) with Marah Haj.
His practice focusses on rethinking the combination of an acoustic instrument with live electronics in an improvisational context. He aims to improvise (with)in an electronic sound world by sculpting the sounds with the acoustic input of the double bass, drawing from a personal archive of sounds and sonic textures which he recorded and collected throughout the years.