David Vergauwen studied history, art history and musicology at the universities of Ghent (Ugent) and Brussels (VUB) and obtained his PhD in history, researching the role and significance of Freemasonry in Belgian musical life. To this end, he published "Columns of harmony" (ASP, 2015) and "Masonic chansons in 19th century Belgium" (ASP, 2017). More recently, a cultural biography about the late romantic composer Joseph Ryelandt, native of Bruges, was published (ASP, 2020). He is also involved in a translation project on the writings of the Liège Parisian André Grétry (Pendragon Press, 2020). He is currently working on a research project about the Antwerp composer Flor Alpaerts, which should again culminate in a biography in 2024. David Vergauwen is a teacher for Amarant and lives in Bruges.