Dominique Somers (°1969, Belgium) studied photography and followed a post-graduate training in audiovisual arts in Antwerp. She worked as a curator and collection researcher at the Museum of Photography in Antwerp, co-organized SecondRoom (an independent platform for contemporary art), was the assistant of artist Dirk Braeckman, and still works as an artistic assistant at the photography department of KASK Ghent. At the moment, she is in the process of finishing a PhD research about flash light images at the University / Doctoral School of Arts in Ghent. She writes about the photographic medium and teaches the history of photography.
Somers’ work has featured in several national and international solo and group shows, among others at University Ghent (2019), Ryerson University Toronto (2016), Joey Ramone Gallery Rotterdam (2016), RIOT Ghent (2016), FotoMuseum Antwerp (2018, 2015), Stilll Gallery Antwerp (2015), AF Santander (2014), Fotomuseum Winterthur (2013), London Drawing Center/Essex University Gallery (2012), M HKA Antwerp (2011, 2009 & 2008), Croxapox Ghent (2010), and Norwich Video Festival (2007). Her first artist book ‘00A’ was published in 2015 (A.P.E., Ghent).