Erwin Jans was assistant at the department of Theater Studies at the KULeuven from 1990-1993. He worked as a dramaturge at the Royal Flemish Theater in Brussels (1993-1999) and at the ro-theater in Rotterdam (2000-2005). Since 2006 he has been working as dramaturge at the Toneelhuis in Antwerp. He collaborated with directors such as Jos Verbist, Ivo Van Hove, Franz Marijnen, Alize Zandwijk and Guy Cassiers.
Jans taught at the department of Cultural Studies at the KULeuven, at the theater department of the Erasmus University College Brussels and at the Manama Theater Sciences at the University of Antwerp. He currently teaches theater and drama at the acting education of Artesis Hogeschool Antwerpen and theater history at the KASK in Ghent.
Erwin Jans regularly publishes on theater, literature and culture in, among others, De Morgen, De Tijd, Eutopia, Etcetera, DWB, Recto: Verso, nY, De Reaktor, De Leeswolf, De Theatermaker. Erwin Jans is involved in the BURO voor Stedelijk Enthousiasme.
© Jochem Jurgens