Katarina Antunovic (°1991, Belgium) is a Belgian/Croatian actrice and theatre practitioner. She has finished her degree at the Luca Drama (School of Arts) in Leuven in 2016, where she graduated with her master thesis ‘Het lied van de slang’ at HET PALEIS under Simon De Vos. Shortly afterwards she toured Flanders with the production ‘Verdacht from Barre Weldaad’. In 2017 she was chosen for the Montignards and worked as an actrice and theatre practitioner at the Kultuurfaktory Monty in Antwerp. In 2019 she started her own youth company Baba Jaga and she toured with the production ‘Wie noemt zijn kind nu Orpheus?!’. She is also involved in the theatre productions Raf, Kikero and P.S. Peggy. Right now, she is enrolled in a second master’s degree in Theatre- and Film Sciences at the UAntwerp.