Martin Nachbar is a choreographer and teacher, living in Berlin. He studied at SNDO 1992-96, at PARTS 1998/99 and at DASchoreography 2008-10. He is currently writing a PhD at HCU Hamburg. He danced, for longer or for shorter, with Les Ballets C. de la B., Nicole Beutler, Joachim Schlömer, Meg Stuart, Jochen Roller, Felix Marchand a.o. He has been making dance pieces such as "Repeater - Dance piece with father", "Urheben Aufheben" (reconstruction of Dore Hoyer's work), "Animal Dances" and "My funny Valentine" (a piece for kids on gender and identity). He has organized conferences, festivals and laboratories. Among those are "meeting on dance education 2005", "Zusammen kommen, zusammen gehen", "Uns erinnern" and "Tierforme/l/n". Martin has been teaching at places such as SEAD, PARTS, Antwerp Conservatory, Trinity LABAN, FU Berlin, University Hamburg a.o. In his artistic work he mixes somatic approaches with dance and with choreographic thought. The outcomes are performances that invite an audience to co-think and -feel around the topic addressed. Martin tries to give his dancers and other co-workers as much as agency in the process as possible. While he likes to guide the outcome, he is not interested in controlling it. His teaching is based on similar principles.
Function: Coordinator master Dance, Contact Improvisation