Wim Wauman (°1976) is a multifaceted visual artist, art educator and author. He studied photography at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp and the Higher Institute of Fine Arts (HISK), and has been exhibiting his works since 2000.
About ten years ago, Wauman started photographing still life compositions, often inspired by a challenging concept or enigmatic narrative. His photographs were acquired by several museums and collections such as the Victoria and Albert Museum in London and the FOMU (FotoMuseum) in Antwerp. He has published four books on his works and (curatorial) projects: Paraphernalia (2013), False Friends (2015), WORK FLOW / A Play with Arts Apes and Crafts (2018) and (Blauwhaus) GetijdenBoek/Book of Tides (2019). Today, his artistic work also comprises unique, personalized tables, chairs and cabinets, geometric ‘intarsia’ pieces (meticulously composed from fine wood veneer) and (site-specific) interventions or installations.
In December, Wim Wauman concluded his research project 'Making Waves: A Play with Arts and Crafts' on the notions of ‘arts’ and ‘crafts’ (and the apparent opposition between ‘making’ and ‘thinking’), and was awarded with a ‘PhD in arts’ degree from the Antwerp University. His artistic research led him to develop an experimental and complex concept, named 'Blauwhaus'. At first glance, this constitutes an installation/exhibition designed to host, ‘connect’ and collaborate with fellow artists, makers and thinkers, but it also encompasses a phantasmagorical ‘twilight zone’ created to induce an enhanced a state of (creative) ‘flow’, to stimulate imaginative forces and to write.
Today the Blauwhaus spirit is kept alive by setting up new collaborations and projects with a handful of fellow artists and creators.
Website: www.wimwauman.com