Track Report 15/02
In this research project, the artistic scenes in Antwerp in the 1950s and 1960s are explored, based on a study of the archive of Stephan Peleman. This archive was built up over the years and consists of, among others, newspaper clippings, photographs, prints and artworks from this period. It’s an extensive collection of all kinds of witnesses of an era that is particularly interesting from an art historical point of view.
This Track Report-booklet was made to accompany the exhibition ANDERE TIJDEN? [Different times?] at De Lange Zaal of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp (19/11/2015 - 13/12/2015).
SC / 1 poster pages / 24,5 x 17 cm (folded)
Author: Johan Pas
Design: Laura Losapio, Rani Janssens, Luc Kersten in collaboration with Johan Devrome
Print: GuidoMaes.Printingdeluxe
Year: 2016
Language: Dutch

(c) Aramer