Track report 13/02
This publication on writing, graphic design, filming and taking photographs as a form of participatory observation, is part of Hans Theys PhD project. He adds a synthetic overview to his practice as an author, graphic designer, filmmaker and photographer, that has been taking shape in the last 25 years in hundreds of attempts to make visible (certain aspects of) the oeuvre of contemporary artists visible to outsiders and sometimes for the artists themselves.
Sometimes this led to a greater interest in (a certain part of) an oeuvre by authors, curators or gallery owners, sometimes leading to a new development in the oeuvre. Above all, however, this led to new insights for the author in the subjects studied. In this respect, Theys' oeuvre forms a coherent whole that bears witness to a great originality.
Het Kijkbeeld is available in four different back covers made by Tamara Van San, Rein Dufait, Kasper Bosmans and Panamarenko.
SC / 480 pages / 24,5 x 17 cm
Author: Hans Theys
Design: Hans Theys met Tamara Van San & Damien De Lepeleire
Print: Cultura, Wetteren
Year: 2012
Language: Nederlands

(c) Aramer