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Art Brut, Dance and Disabilities

Is it possible to create a Dance- Brut style as a physical language?

Taking some of the premises of the Art- Brut and combining theoretical and visual material I will construct a body of work around inclusive dance practice. I want to experiment, observe and apply certain commun elements (parcours, repetition, patterns…) found in this type of art and transposed them into a specific movement language. With the goal of translating a “state of mind” into choreography and thinking of the body as a psycho-emotional unity, I will combine these elements with my physical vocabulary; what I call “The Monkey mind approach to movement”. Monkey mind refers to the way our thoughts shift from one another chaotically and how we look for a possible physical translation of this state.

The practical phase of the investigation will be done together with a mixed group of movers, focusing on dancers with mental disabilities. Through this period of research I expect to be able to challenge my observations and amply my knowledge finding out what are the systems and laws implicated (mainly in visual art) which can be translated into other artistic forms: dance, music, words… How to transmute an existing set up of rules transforming them and creating new possible scores that can be tried. I will look for the possible links between the concept of raw art, physical expression and disabilities. These will enable me to enlarge, question and open up my choreographic approach; its physicality, structure, content and working method in collaboration with the partners involved.