ART4DEM | AP School Of Arts Skip to main content


ART4DEM is developing a multidisciplinary program for citizenship education (BSE) in primary and secondary education. The project explores new ways to work on civic education through participatory art forms and forms of new media. BSE in education has significant challenges. Despite the persistently low scores for democratic attitudes among Flemish students, the education world is hesitating and struggling with their approach. For example, schools give varying meanings to citizenship and many work sporadically on it. Research also points to the gap between young people, depending on their level of education and social background, which manifests itself more in cities. Some authors therefore emphasize the importance of new forms of BSE, which are more in line with the environment and participation wishes of children and young people. Schools in turn are requesting an intra-muros offer.

The central research question is: how can artistic methods contribute to BSE in a diverse context in the 3rd stage BaO and the 1st degree SO?

The project is a collaboration between different departments of the AP Hogeschool. The Schools of Arts, the Royal Conservatoire and the Royal Academy, work from multidisciplinary insights and knowledge of creative processes, the Education & Training department on the educational world and didactics, the Social Work program on inequality and the importance of social involvement in design-oriented trajectories in 6 schools . The experiments include two theater forms (1- Mantle of the Expert, research project by Bob Selderslaghs, 2-participative drama i.s.m. vzw Sering) and a visual interactive method (3-Interactive Design). This involves qualitatively and quantitatively examining what the trajectory means for all involved (pupils, teachers, school policy), what the influence is on the pupils' democratic skills, attitudes and behavior and on the democratic school culture. In collaboration with: Free University of Brussels university of Ghent Confess Sering vzw Provincial Education Antwerp Antwerp Municipal Lyceum AGSO Urban Primary Education Antwerp GO! Scholengroep Antwerpen, Secondary Education School Community GO! Scholengroep Antwerpen, Primary Education Community UNICEF Belgium

In collaboration with: 
Vrije Universiteit Brussel 
Universiteit Gent 
Kleur Bekennen 
Sering vzw 
Provinciaal Onderwijs Antwerpen 
Stedelijk Lyceum Antwerpen 
AGSO Stedelijk Basisonderwijs Antwerpen 
GO! Scholengroep Antwerpen, Scholengemeenschap Secundair Onderwijs 
GO! Scholengroep Antwerpen, Scholengemeenschap Basisonderwijs 
UNICEF België 

Nele Willems

Janna Beck
Bob Selderslaghs
Britt Dehertogh