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WANTED: inclusive performances

The organisation of the new congress-festival 'CAMRTNS' is looking for proposals: performances, lecture performances and / or paper presentations that deal specifically with inclusiveness and an aesthetic of accessibility in multidisciplinary contemporary arts.
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  • Schools of Arts launch research call

Schools of Arts launch research call

Artists who want to delve deeper into their artistic practice can respond to the new research call of the Royal Conservatoire and the Royal Academy. The deadline for submitting a proposal is December 2nd.
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  • Meester(es) en model: free download

Meester(es) en model: free download

Frank Agsteribbe, Erwin Jans, Jan Joris Lamers, Lucas Vandervost, Sarah De Bosschere, Sara De Roo, Clara van den Broek, Tine Van Aerschot, Servaas Petrov, Andy Van Kerschaver, Karin Hanssen en Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven ask how we can interact with a certain model.
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