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  • Artistic Practice - Repertoire - Talking Hands/ In Spite of Wishing and Wanting

Artistic Practice - Repertoire - Talking Hands/ In Spite of Wishing and Wanting

2018 - fragment from 'Talking Hands'/ 'In Spite of Wishing and Wanting', Bachelor 3 Dance with Ultima Vez, Wim Vandekeybus
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  • Artistic Practice - Repertoire - The Kuru Field of Justice

Artistic Practice - Repertoire - The Kuru Field of Justice

2018 - fragment from 'The Kuru Field of Justice', Bachelor 1 and 2 Dance with Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui.
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  • Artistic Practice - Creation - The Weight of the Skin

Artistic Practice - Creation - The Weight of the Skin

2019 - fragment from 'The Weight of the Skin' - bachelor 1 Dance and Labo dancers with Tijen Lawton
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  • Artistic Practice - Choreography - Solo not solo

Artistic Practice - Choreography - Solo not solo

2020 - Solo not solo by bachelor 3 Dance Kim Joon Young
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  • Artistic Practice - Choreography - Solo not solo

Artistic Practice - Choreography - Solo not solo

2020 - Solo not solo 'Sacudida' by bachelor 3 Dance Julia Rubies
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  • Artistic Practice - Choreography - Solo site specific

Artistic Practice - Choreography - Solo site specific

2020 - Solo site specific by bachelor 2 Dance Raphael Damasceno Ferreira de Moura
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  • Artistic Practice - Projects - Symposium Inclusive Dance - 2018

Artistic Practice - Projects - Symposium Inclusive Dance - 2018

'Bodies in space', Documentary of the 2018 Symosium on Inclusive Dance. Made by students Journalism of AP University College.
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  • Artistic Practice - Creation - studio rehearsal with Anton Lachky

Artistic Practice - Creation - studio rehearsal with Anton Lachky

2018 - footage from a studio rehearsal for the 2017 final performance of bachelor 1 Dance
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  • Artistic Practice - Creation - Teaser 'The End'

Artistic Practice - Creation - Teaser 'The End'

2018 - Jos Baker with bachelor 3 students
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  • Training and skill development - The future dance artist now

Training and skill development - The future dance artist now

2020 - THE FUTURE DANCE ARTIST NOW - an insight in the current programme by Karel Tuytschaever
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