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  • About the savings on the project grants

About the savings on the project grants

The Schools of Arts of AP Hogeschool are concerned about the proposed cultural savings of the Flemish government. A government that makes savings in this way, intervenes in the excellence of our arts and in the future of the sector. In particular, the drastic reduction in project subsidies has important consequences for the opportunities for young artists in Flanders.
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  • About Noorderlicht 2019

About Noorderlicht 2019

One year a parade, the other year a happening. This is the pattern that Noorderlicht has been following since 2016. In 2018, at the invitation of the AP Hogeschool and the district of Antwerp, some 750 people formed the luminous and colourful parade that travels from South to North in the multicultural district of 2060 Antwerp. So 2019 is 'the other year'. On Thursday 28 November 2019 you can expect to see a unique neighbourhood project again.
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  • ARTICULATE 2019: advanced Fluxus

ARTICULATE 2019: advanced Fluxus

Last week more than 1,500 people attended the exhibitions, lectures, concerts and performances at the Antwerp Conservatoire and Academy. This fourth edition of ARTICULATE, which focused on the Fluxus art movement, thus became the most successful of the festival on art and research.
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  • Student founded an entirely female symphonic orchestra

Student founded an entirely female symphonic orchestra

"Men get a lot more chances to play on large, fantastic stages. I want to give female musicians that same chance," says double bass player Eline Cote.
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  • Johan Pas on CAGE & Co

Johan Pas on CAGE & Co

Art historian and curator Johan Pas gives an overview of the Fluxus history and an intro to his talk during ARTICULATE on October 23rd.
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  • Els Dietvorst & Dirk Braeckman on Time/the afterlife

Els Dietvorst & Dirk Braeckman on Time/the afterlife

Visual artist Els Dietvorst and photographer Dirk Braeckman talk about the responsibility of artists to pay attention to the world, pleasant or otherwise, and how they incorporate this in their ARTICULATE-Masterclass.
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  • HPSCHD - an introduction

HPSCHD - an introduction

In 1962, the Swiss harpsichordist and art collector Antoinette Vischer commissioned John Cage to write her a new composition for harpsichord. Cage though didn't really enjoy the sound of the instrument, "It sounded to me like a sewing machine".
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  • Inspiring words by Mokhallad Rasem at the start of the academic year 2019-2020

Inspiring words by Mokhallad Rasem at the start of the academic year 2019-2020

'Theater has taught me to be myself. Teached me life. Teached me love. It taught me to be open. It taught me to read and to discover small details. " Speech by Mokhallad Rasem for the students and teachers of the Royal Conservatory Antwerp.
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  • Alumnus dances alongside Beyonce

Alumnus dances alongside Beyonce

Kan je binnen 9 uur het vliegtuig nemen naar Los Angeles? Over deze vraag hoefde Nick Coutsier (25) uit Waterloo niet lang na te denken, toen hij gebeld werd door een crewlid van de grote Beyonce. Vijf jaar nadat de hij afgestudeerde aan onze dansopleiding danst hij als freelancer voor verschillende projecten en choreografen over heel de wereld.
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  • Art meets technology in biggest Virtual Reality-Lab of Antwerp

Art meets technology in biggest Virtual Reality-Lab of Antwerp

AP University College is building the first fully-fledged VR lab in the province of Antwerp. The University College receives 452,000 euros in subsidies from the innovation budget of Minister Muyters.
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