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  • Live electronics: new major within Master Music

Live electronics: new major within Master Music

Starting next academic year (2021-2022) music students commencing their masters, will have an additional major to choose from, Live Electronics.
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  • Schools of Arts launch research call

Schools of Arts launch research call

Artists who want to delve deeper into their artistic practice can respond to the new research call of the Royal Conservatoire and the Royal Academy. The deadline for submitting a proposal is December 2nd.
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  • Chin Cheng Lin is Doctor No. 9

Chin Cheng Lin is Doctor No. 9

Internationally acclaimed marimba player Chin Cheng Lin presented his doctoral research project. The musician investigated the influence of the Chinese martial art Tai Chi on marimba playing.
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  • OPEN CALL Noorderlicht

OPEN CALL Noorderlicht

This year the Royal Academy, the Royal Conservatoire and AP Hogeschool organise Noorderlicht once again. Not as a parade, but as an artistic route. Noorderlicht 2019 will be organised in the district of Antwerp-North on Thursday 28 November at 6 pm. This time we visit the residents: at 30 indoor locations on De Coninckplein and in the surrounding streets. The locations include living rooms, hairdressers, night shops, restaurants, cafes, churches, ... The participants are divided over six routes that lead them to five addresses.

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  • Submit a PhD proposal

Submit a PhD proposal

Information on submitting a PhD proposal at the Schools of Arts / AP University College.
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