An education in Music, Dance or Drama is not a walk in the park. As a student you are challenged, both mentally and physically, to explore boundaries and to give the best of yourself, together with your fellow students, over and over again. To support you during this process, the Conservatoire has set up an extensive system of student guidance. From a committed teaching team, solution-focused coordinators and heads of study to a wide range of departmental and college-wide services; our tailor-made guidance offers you the ideal environment for your studies.
Since 2008 the Conservatoire has also put extra effort into the prevention and treatment of injuries. To this end it calls on the expertise that lecturers/researchers have built up together with training courses in the domain of Health and Wellbeing The research into 'prevention and treatment of overuse injuries' provided a lot of relevant information and led to the adaptation of our training programmes, preventive screenings and awareness-raising (an in-house physiotherapist practice), the provision of advice and the development of better guidance for students.
In addition, a collaboration with Healtcare for Artists (HeArts) was set up. Antwerp HeArts is the multidisciplinary centre of expertise for the prevention and treatment of artists' complaints at the University Hospital of Antwerp (UZA) and the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the University of Antwerp. So you are in good hands.
Psychological guidance
Tailor-made student guidance
Antwerp HeArts in collaboration with UZA
In house physiotherapist
Physical mentoring
Lectures and workshops on well-being and psyche
Study guidance and planning
Lessons alexander technique