STEP 3. Confirm your arrival
1. Fill out the confirmation form (only for programmes with an artistic entrance exam)
To ensure your enrolment, you need to confirm it. Fill out the form you will receive via email.
! Attention, the confirmation email is not an official registration, this is only the confirmation we need to start the enrolment process
2. Complete your web registration as soon as possible
Before we can proceed with your enrolment, we need some documents from you. Please upload the following documents using the button ‘Documenten’ via the account that you used for your web registration: – Change Registration:
! Important message for NON EER candidates !
We advise you to start your visa application procedure as soon as possible, so you don’t run the risk of missing the start of the first semester
An individual path is any study path that deviates from the conventional model path of 60 credits and is determined in a contract every academic year. You can obtain an exemption by proving that you obtained a credit in a previous study within higher education that corresponds with the content of a specific course in your new study programme.
Collect the necessary evidence:
If you only want to apply for a few exemptions and you collected all evidence as described above. You can directly upload them in the exemption module (VA module) in iBaMaFlex. A manual for this can be found below.
If you wish to apply for many exemptions, select the programme comparison that applies to you below and fill it in, collect all the data, prepare yourself well and make an appointment with your study path coach via Iris Terclaevers, You can also ask questions about the content here.
If you need technical assistance with your preparations and online registration in the module, please send an e-mail to
Your application will be discussed at the admissions committee. Once your application is in order, and you completed the composition of your study programme in the SPA module in iBamaflex, your study contract will be available via iBaMaFlex (e-postbus). You will need to confirm the contract there. It is only then that you are properly enrolled in the RCA. Welcome!
An individual programme is a programme that is different from the standard programme of 60 credits and that is composed each academic year.
Transfer of credits can be obtained by proving that you obtained a credit in a previous study that corresponds with the content of a specific course in your new field of study.
You need to deliver a proof of your study results:
More information can be found on the Dutch pages of our website.
An individual path is any study path that deviates from the conventional model path of 60 credits and is determined in a contract every academic year. You can obtain an exemption by proving that you obtained a credit in a previous study within higher education that corresponds with the content of a specific course in your new study programme.
Collect the necessary evidence:
If you only want to apply for a few exemptions and you collected all evidence as described above. You can directly upload them in the exemption module (VA module) in iBaMaFlex. A manual for this can be found below.
If you wish to apply for many exemptions, select the programme comparison that applies to you below and fill it in, collect all the data, prepare yourself well and make an appointment with your study path coach Els Smedts, You can also ask questions about the content here.
If you need technical assistance with your preparations and online registration in the module, please send an e-mail to
Your application will be discussed at the admissions committee. Once your application is in order, and you completed the composition of your study programme in the SPA module in iBamaflex, your study contract will be available via iBaMaFlex (e-postbus). You will need to confirm the contract there. It is only then that you are properly enrolled in the RCA. Welcome!
For Jazz go here.
An individual study path is any study path that deviates from the conventional model path of 60 credits and is determined in a personal contract every academic year. You can obtain exemptions by proving that you obtained a credit certificate in a previous study within higher education that corresponds with the content of a specific course in your new study programme.
Collect the necessary evidence:
If you only want to apply for a few exemptions, and you collected all evidence as described above, you can directly upload them in the exemption module in iBaMaFlex. A manual for this can be found below.
If you wish to apply for many exemptions, please use the manual and select and fill in the relevant programme comparison here below, collect all the data, prepare yourself thoroughly and make an appointment with your study path coach Charlotte Saelemakers via this online planning tool (from 1 september).
If you need technical assistance with your preparations and online registration of exemptions in the module, please send an e-mail to
Your application will be discussed at the admissions committee. Once your application is in order, and you completed your study programme in the SPA module in iBamaflex, your study contract will be available via iBaMaFlex (e-postbox). You will need to confirm the contract there. It is only then that you are properly enrolled in the Conservatoire. Welcome!
Manual online exemptions module in iBamaflex
application/pdfProgramme comparison and exemptions Classical Music
application/pdfOrchestra instrument comparison of programmes_0.xlsx
Excel/SpreadsheetComposition comparison of programmes_0.xlsx
Excel/SpreadsheetGuitar comparison of programmes_0.xlsx
Excel/SpreadsheetHarpsichord comparison of programmes_0.xlsx
Excel/SpreadsheetMA Collaborative Piano comparison of programmes - BA piano_0.xlsx
Excel/SpreadsheetMA conducting comparison of programme - BA piano_0.xlsx
Excel/SpreadsheetMA conducting comparison of programmes - BA orchestra instrument_0.xlsx
Excel/SpreadsheetMA conducting comparison of programmes - BA voice_0.xlsx
Excel/SpreadsheetMA orchestra instrument&schakelprogramma comparison of programmes_0.xlsx
Excel/SpreadsheetOrgan comparison of programmes_0.xlsx
Excel/SpreadsheetPiano-pianoforte comparison of programmes_0.xlsx
Excel/SpreadsheetSchakelprogramma comparison of programmes_0.xlsx
Excel/SpreadsheetSuzuki comparison of programmes_0.xlsx
Excel/SpreadsheetVocal studies comparison of programmes_0.xlsx
Excel/SpreadsheetAn individual programme is a programme that is different from the standard programme of 60 credits and that is composed each academic year.
Transfer of credits can be obtained by proving that you obtained a credit in a previous study that corresponds with the content of a specific course in your new field of study.
You need to deliver a proof of your study results:
More information can be found on the Dutch pages of our website.
You can request these if you:
The studentcounselor Petra Vangeel ( will assist you in applying for facilitating measures to meet your individual needs.
You can find the Regulations of tuition fees, study costs and various expenses on the general regulations page of the AP website. In the Excel file underneath, you can easily calculate the total amount you need to pay.
You will receive an invoice for the tuition fee and course related fees based on your signed study contract. The invoice will be sent to your AP-mail.
Students who are nationals of a member state of the European Economic Area (Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Iceland, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Romania, Spain, Czech Republic, Sweden) for a diploma or credit contract: tuition fee fixed part: 299,00 euro + 14,30 euro / ECTS + 65 euro course related fee.
Students who are nationals of other countries: tuition fee fixed part: 939,60 euro + 128,20 euro / ECTS + 65 euro course related fee.
The tuition fee for foreign students does not apply for nationals of those other countries in certain specific circumstances as described in the regulations. Swiss nationals are part of the European Free Trade Association and can obtain an E card and pay the same tuition fees as EEA citizens. Students with British nationality enrolled in 2020-21 will continue to be subject to the normal tuition fee for the completion of the study started in 2020-21.
All Bachelor and Master students who register for 27 ECTS or more pay 65 euro, students with less than 27 ECTS pay 35 euro.
Extra costs are also charged for attending performances and concerts. These extra costs will be invoiced separately in May 2026 on the basis of actual expenses.
In September or October you’ll receive an invoice for the tuition fee and course related fees based on your signed study contract. The invoice will be sent to your AP-mail. It is not possible to get a scholarship or financial assistance from the Social Service for a postgraduate programme. It is not possible to pay the tuition fee by instalments.
One year programme 60 credits
Registration for 30 to 60 credits fixed amount: 4 200 euro
Registration for 3 to 10 credits: 700 euro
Registration for additional credits: 70 euro per credit
Trajectories 30 credits
Registration for 30 credits (one year): 2 400 euro
Registration for 3 to 10 credits: 800 euro
Registration for additional credits within the same programme: 80 euro per credit
For general information about international scholarships, please check and
In order to receive a scholarship from the Flemish Community, you must fulfill multiple conditions. If you are temporarily staying in Belgium because of your studies, national conditions will be an obstacle and you might not be eligible to request this scholarship. If you do not meet the requirements, you will have to fund your studies yourself and (if possible) apply for financial assistance and/or study aid in your home country. For more information about the scholarship of the Flemish Community, please check
Students from outside the European Economic Area are not eligible for financial aid from the AP University College. It is not possible to pay the tuition fee in instalments.
Looking for an accommodation? What about the rental agreement? And the prices? Do you need insurance? Visa? Learn all about it on the practical information page of AP University of Applied Sciences and Arts Antwerp:
For incoming master's students from abroad, there is also the Mastermind scholarship (read the requirements carefully).
The Conservatoire also offers some internal scholarships (between 1,500 and 3,000 euros per selected student) to regular students of the Royal Conservatoire of Antwerp: the Soroptimist scholarship, the Orange scholarship and the Bolster scholarship. Every year an internal call is made for these.
There are also external support initiatives such as:
This is just a sample of what support is offered by externals. KCA staff regularly posts opportunities for support for projects, workshops, competitions and residencies on the student platforms Intranet and DigitAP.
If you have completed all the steps, you can pick up your student card at the student administration office. You can also request a registration certificate.
You can find the Education and Examination Regulations, ICT Regulations and Library Regulations on the general regulations page of the AP website. You can also find the specific year calendar of the Conservatoire on this page.
Every student starting higher education in Flanders receives a learning account of 140 study credits. Study credits are deducted from your learning account for each course you enrol for. If you pass your exam you earn back your credits. If you fail for your exam, the study credits are irrevocably deducted from your learning account. If you don't have any credits left in your learning account you can no longer continue your studies.
You can check the balance of your learning account on (website in Dutch only).
If you enrol for a course of 6 study credits, then those 6 study credits will be deducted form your learning account. If you pass your exam with at least 10/20 then those 6 credits will be added again to your learning acount. If you fail, the 6 credits will be irrevocably deducted.
The first 60 credits you obtain under diploma contract in higher education in Flanders are doubled. Those 60 credits don't need to be earned in one academic year, one study programme or one institution.
For whom?
The learning account applies to any student who enrols with a diploma contract or credit contract for a bachelor or master programme. It does not apply to students who enrol for a teaching qualification programme, for a bridging or preparatory programme or for a postgraduate programme. Also enrolments with an exam contract are not taken into account.
The learning account aims to encourage you as a student to make the right study choice and to encourage you to change your study programme in time.
Made the wrong choice?
Is your study not running so smoothly as you expected or do your realise that you made the wrong choice? Then you should make an appointment with your student counselor. You can withdraw or choose a new programme. This way you do not unnecessarily lose credits from your learning account. The quicker you decide, the more chance you have to gain back your credits.
Already obtained a master's degree?
The balance of your learning account is reduced by 140 credits when you obtain a diploma for a master programme. If this results in a positive balance, you can use the remaining credits to enrol in an initial bachelor or master programme. If the balance of your learning account is less than 60 credits, you can build it up again to a maximum of 60. Ten credits are added to your learning account every academic year after you obtained your master diploma.
More information about the learning account can be found in the Education and Examination Regulations under article 8.1 and on (Dutch website only).