Parade Noorderlicht 2019 | AP School Of Arts Skip to main content
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Parade Noorderlicht

On Thursday November 28 2019, Noorderlicht parade will once again pass through the neighborhood of 2060 Antwerp. Residents, their friends, family and neighbors will walk together in the parade to the winter party on Campus Spoor Noord of the AP University College. Noorderlicht is an artistic parade of artists, students and local residents that brings light and atmosphere to the north of Antwerp. But it is as well a celebration of diversity. Artists, composers, dancers and musicians from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts and the Royal Conservatoire Antwerp create art that dialogues with the neighborhood. Various associations and residents from the neighborhood are contributing to the project.

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The parade Noorderlicht is an organization of AP Hogeschool, Royal Conservatory Antwerp and Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp in cooperation with the district Antwerp, Antwerp and In Public, In Particular, co-financed by the Creative Europe Program of the European Union.