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Studium Generale | Matthias Govaerts

Studium Generale's annual theme for the academic year of 24-25 is 'hidden networks'

On Wednesday, the 13th of November, we welcome:

  • Speaker: Matthias Govaerts
  • Lecture: Lecture: The hidden threat 

Cybercrime is a form of crime that barely has a physical presence, but is present as a hidden network, continuously growing and will never go away. Every day, often without realizing it, we come into contact with some type of cybercrime. In this lecture we explore the different types of cybercrime, their general modus operandi, and delve deeper into phishing. Using a real-life example, we show how local gangs in Antwerp have embraced phishing and how easy it is to set up a phishing campaign. We also look at what challenges there are and how the Antwerp Local Police and the city of Antwerp are trying to respond to them, ranging from repression to raising awareness. 

This lecture is in Dutch