Claims and Games (Tact #5) | AP School Of Arts Skip to main content
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Claims and Games (Tact #5)

"Give the people half a loaf and free play!"

From January 17 to February 17, 2025, Nik Naudts will distribute half a loaf of his self-baked bread daily. The bread is available for free to anyone willing to pick it up at his home. In exchange, he asks for a response to one of his weekly changing "exercises for city dwellers." These exercises, called Wiggle Room, challenge participants to explore and push the boundaries of both private and public space usage.

Claims and Games is the fifth "tact" of the artistic research project Between Old Habits and New Habitats, in which Nik Naudts examines how willing city dwellers are to critically reconsider their use of space.

Claims and Games is a nod to the social critique of the Roman poet Juvenal, who in Satire X wrote about the strategy of rulers keeping the people satisfied with "bread and games" (panem et circenses). The specially designed bread bag for Claims and Games features a modified image of Juvenal with a half loaf of bread and a jester’s hat.

Claim your ‘half loaf of the day’ via:


The bread bags were silkscreened with great care and love by ATELIER VAN DEZON.