Renata Lamenza Epifanio (BR/IT) navigates between visual arts, performance, dance, costume, research , motherhood and education. She concluded her bachelor in Dance at Faculdade Angel Vianna, a bachelor in Costume Design at Senai Cetiqt and a master in Costume Design at RAFA. Her project ‘Talk to me’ is on its 7th collaboration and has been performed at De Studio, Fountain Fest Festival and Queer Arts Festival, Antwerp among others. As a performer, she has collaborated with Khadija El Kharraz Alami and Merel Servers.
Concerned to expanding notions such as costume and dance, her works use costume as a sensorial trigger, proposing it as an agent for movement and as a tool for activating a political body. In her installations/performances, she plays with the relationship between object-audience and audience-performer. She invites the audience for an immediate corporeal-sensorial dialogue with the object and the performer, relocating the protagonism from the work itself to the relation that is created between the work and the viewer. Since 2018 she acts as a researcher in the Schools of Arts, realizing projects such as ‘Talk to me' ‘Physicallity in the performing arts’; ‘TACTICS for a COLLECTIVE BODY' with Stefani Assandri and Researcher (>1).
Since 2021 she acts as the artistic coordinator of the Master in Dance at Royal Conservatoire Antwerp.
photo (c) Wannes Cré