Bachelor 1 Visual arts – Trajectory Sculpture 60 ECTS
Bachelor 2 Visual arts – Trajectory Sculpture 60 ECTS
PROGRAMME ECTS Specific art history image and space 2 3 Art and cultural history 19th century 3 Art and cultural history 1900-1945 3 Theories of art 1900-1950 3 Theories of art 1950 to the present 3 Research Methodology 2 3 Anatomy and anatomic drawing 2 3 Autonomous practice 2 9 Documentation and research 2 6 Life drawing Sculpture 2 6 Modelling Portret 2 3 Modelling Figure 2 12 -
Studio Sculpture 2
Type 2 Explanation: You need to choose 1 course. PROGRAMME ECTS Sculptural Metal 2 3 Sculptural Stone-Wood 2 3 Sculptural Ceramics 2 3
Studio Sculpture 2
Bachelor 3 Visual arts – Trajectory Sculpture 60 ECTS
PROGRAMME ECTS Specific art history image and space 3 3 Research Methodology 3 3 Bachelorclass 3 Contemporary Arts: Neo-Avantgardes 3 Life drawing Sculpture 3 6 Autonomous practice 3 21 Modelling Portret 3 3 Modelling Figure 3 12 -
Elective courses
Type 2 Explanation: You need to choose courses amounting for a total of 6 points. PROGRAMME ECTS Oral Communication and Language Proficiency (Dutch) 3 History of Graphic Design 3 3 History of Jewellery Design 3 3 Photography: History and -actuality 3 3 Contemporary Art: Postmodernisms 3 Genesis of an Oeuvre 3 Course taken from the AUHA 1 program 3 Course taken from the AUHA 2 program 3 Extra-Academy 3 History of Film 1: first half 20th century 3 History of Film 2: second half 20th century until today 3 Moving Image 6 Performance 6 Language-based art 3 INPUT/IMPACT 3 AP Studium Generale NL 3
Elective courses
Master Visual arts – Trajectory Sculpture 60 ECTS
PROGRAMME ECTS Research week 1 3 Exhibition 3 To Start As A Pro 3 Sculpture: Masterproject 30 Artistic Practice Sculpture 9 -
Type 2 Explanation: You need to choose courses amounting for a total of 12 points. PROGRAMME ECTS Thesis 12 Art Management 3 Visuals and Visual Culture 3 Course taken from the AUHA 1 program 3 Course taken from the AUHA 2 program 6 Research week 2 3 Extra Academy 3 Art Entrepreneurship 3 Pop Culture 3 INPUT/IMPACT 3 Paper Events: Artists' Publications as Alternative Spaces I 3 Paper Events: Artists' Publications as Alternative Spaces II 3 The other Cinéma 3 Moving Image 6