This phd research by Mirjam van Tilburg is being conducted at Antwerp Research Institute for the Arts (ARIA). In her quest, she explores the possibilities for the life-long development of art teachers with students aged 12 to 18. One way she did this was through the ‘Studio’ experiment. With ten arts teachers in 2020 and 2021 she explored the shifting dynamics of their profession during de lockdowns. What makes art teaching an artistic connected practice? What is needed in life-long development of art teachers? What image is now dominant in this field? What other possibilities are there? Can life-long development be a practice of commoning?
Mirjam van Tilburg is a researcher and teacher at the master of arts education at Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten in Tilburg.
Partners research: Lectoraat Artistic Connective Practices and Master Art Education Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten, Kunstloc Brabant, Bachelor Fine Art & Design Teacher Training Willem de Kooning Academie Hogeschool Rotterdam, KCR, Stichting Ateliers Tilburg and ARIA.
PhD commission: Pascal Gielen (ARIA), Indra Wolfaert, (KASKA), Gert Biesta (extern lid) and Annick Schramme (Universiteit Antwerpen).
Promotors: Pascal Gielen (UAntwerpen) and Indra Wolfaert (Academy)
(image: overview studio Rotterdam, 2021)