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Vivid Tales

Through the prism of our interactions with death and particular listening attitudes, 'Vivid Tales' proposes to question our relationship with the living. Our funerary culture needs to be recontextualized in a way that is committed to rethinking the ritual, its ecological, psychological and social impact, its territories and its temporality. This transformation tends to open up to cross-fertilized practices, integrating alternative techniques and transcultural rituals. 

By sharing experiences and stories, from the funerary, scientific, environmental social sciences and art fields, this collaborative research invites us to explore different places of interrelations between the living and the dead, between us and our dead, who often encourage us to learn other ways of being alive, in particular through the questions they force us to ask, on a personal, community and society level. What do they make us do? 

What gestures do we have for our dead? What places? How could rethinking death and mourning related rituals foster deeper connection to our ecosystems? How could it activate other practices, (interspecies) collaborations, narratives? How to make it a place for reappropriation, for care, a body of resistance? How do we want to be told? 

These conversations will lead to the creation of a mixed-media sensory mapping of narratives and practices - existing and to be suggested, intimate and collective - from the perspective of an active death awareness, deeply rooted in the living.