No time
GrowingGifs #drawing in motion
Grasping the invisible: Sun Data.
Belgian Platform for Photobooks
Talk to me: vrouwelijke gesprekken tussen lichaam, kostuum en beweging
Maddalena. Music-scientific and artistic study of historical and stylistic backgrounds in the Russian operas of Sergei Prokoview and the importance of Maddalena as a preliminary study for The Gambler and the Fiery Angel
Historical performance practice of post-war avant-garde music for guitar: documenting practical performer/composer/score relations
Music and the Body – Movement and Gestures in Composition and Performance for Computer Music and Interactive Media
A contextual, text-critical analysis of Johann Sebastian Bach's Art of Fugue: Reflections on Performance Practice and Text-critical Analysis, and the Interaction Between Them
De status van het object: ritueel voorwerp of artistiek artefact?