theatrical co-creation with young people : from intuitive practice to shareable methodology
How the villain became a good example
The Flemish Wave Revisited: Towards an intergenerational dialogue with dance heritage
Teaching artistry: acting locally, sharing globally
The Maternal Body: moving as more than one
Beyond gaze: Establishing the language of touch in applied drama
Corpo-gambiarra: dance, costume and politics of the body
Problematizing Interdisciplinary Performance Through Noise
HARD TIMES GOOD TIMES - on discomfort, sublimation and movement
Hyperwithin: a shy dramaturgy in shadowtimes
Perspectives on time in the music by Stockhausen: the experience of a performer
Creating the Artistic Identity
Intersecting repertoire
Moving towards Resilience: Joint creation through music and movement for local, refugee and immigrant children
WE GROW MUSIC! Ecologies of attention, discrepancy and multiplicity—real and imaginary—in embodied music performance
When the artist swallows his image
De Woensdagen
Friction & Tension: Weaving With Choreography’s Troubles
Professionalising the (teaching) artist through process drama performances
Moving in Musicking: Promoting social inclusiveness for children at risk
The co-ownership of the young child in artistic performance
Art Brut, Dance and Disabilities
Connecting the Dots: Designing a unifying model for traditional and contemporary music performance practice
Towards Documentary Choreography. Intermedial Approaches in Working with Extra-Aesthetic Materials