Poetic encounter with the digital shadow: empathy and intersubjectivity in electroacoustic duo improvisations
Meander: a field study in ecological writing
Performing Mesopotamian Magic
The instrument(alist) maker: shaping artistic identities through instrument modification.
From Stage to Page: An Experimental, Performance-led examination of the relationship between Musical Performance and Musical Analysis
Words out of tune. Collective practices of vocal improvisation
Fair Games: Questions of Care in Curating New Music
Theatre with the elderly – never too old to make a scene
The desirability of difference
Intersecting repertoire
The European Quartet of Keith Jarrett. The Journey Home
Professionalising the (teaching) artist through process drama performances
Pamphilus pamfilet pamflet
Cripping the stage: from crip theory to crip practice
A Database of Schemata As a Starting Point For Historically Informed Improvisation and Composition
Pondering/Theremin. Nostalgia and the art of traces
Een saxofoonpionier in beeld: het uitvoeren van opdrachtwerken uit de vroege twintigste eeuw aan Sigurd Rascher
Play(s) of Féminitude. The role of female artists in Belgian theatre history 1830-1948
The Singer Inside Out
(N)iets nieuws in theater?
The Power of Rhythm in Jazz improvisation and composition
Poverty; or, the new source of infinity. A Grotowski-inspired psycho-physical liberation from the musical score.
Acting and normativity