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PhD defence Carlos Brito Dias

'Hearing a Culture: Integrating Sound and Environmental Elements of Braga's Festivities into new compositions'

Artistic presentation and public defence of PhD research 'Hearing a culture: Integrating Sound and Environmental Elements of Braga's Festivities into new compositions', by Carlos Brito Dias conducted till 20 september 2023 at Royal Conservatoire Antwerp (AP Schools of Arts) and ARIA (UAntwerp).

Chair: Dr. Christiane Stallaert (also chair IDC)
Promoter UAntwerp: Dr. Pascal Gielen
Promoter Royal Conservatoire Antwerp: Dr. Thomas Moore
Member IDC: Dr. Bart Eeckhout
External jury members: Angela da Ponte and Dr. Sara Carvalho 


19:00 - 19:25

compositions by Carlos Brito Dias
featuring Lucija Mikuž (flute), Ana Margarida Alves and Mafalda Tuna (violin), Edgar Perestrelo (viola), Duarte Matos (violoncello), Julia Gu (piano); and Carlos Brito Dias (conductor)

19:30 - 19:50

by Carlos Brito Dias

19:50 - 20:30 JURY

20:30 - 21:30


This research explores the creation of contemporary musical compositions inspired by traditional soundscapes.
Drawing upon personal experiences and hometown traditions, the project delves into ethnomusicologist Veit Erlmann's concept of 'hearing a culture'. The sonic environments of traditional festivals, often dismissed as mere background noise, are carefully captured and analyzed, serving as a rich source of inspiration for new musical pieces. Each celebration that sparked the composer's creative spark possesses a unique auditory landscape, prompting solitary sonic immersions to fully absorb the intricate tapestry of sounds that define these moments.

The project reflects on the profound influence of hometown traditions on the composer's journey and their integral role in shaping identity, guided by the concept 'from-roots-to-routes' (S. Hall). This transformative process enabled the development of a distinctive stylistic language that harmoniously echoes the composer's heritage and experiences.

Read more bout the doctoral defence ‘Hearing a culture: Integrating Sound and Environmental Elements of Braga's Festivities into new compositions’ by Carlos Brito Dias with promoters Dr. Thomas Moore and Dr. Pascal Gielen.