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David Hernandez

David Hernandez was born in Miami, Florida where he studied 'studio music & jazz’ and opera at the University of Miami and dance at 'New World School of the Arts’. Subsequently he moved to New York to work as an apprentice with the Trisha Brown company and begin researching with Meg Stuart. He left New York to follow Meg Stuart to Belgium to help begin the company Damaged Goods where he worked for almost seven years as a dancer and collaborator. David remained in Europe basing himself in Brussels where he continued creating his own work in the form of dance performances, installations, happenings and many other sorts of multidisciplinary projects for over twenty years. Next to his own projects he continued performing and collaborating with many other artists such as LaborGras, Brice Leroux, Anouk Van Dijk, Michel Debrulle as well as directing, performing and researching as an improviser with artists such as Steve Paxton & Katie Duck, among many others. He was one of the three initiators of the improvisation project 'Crash Landing' along with Christine Desmet and Meg Stuart. 

As a pedagogue, David gives classes and workshops worldwide. Previously he developed and managed his own education program, 'PEP' (The Performance Education Program) for several years in the framework of Klapstuk festival in Leuven, Belgium where he was also in residence.
David continues creating his own work within the organisation dh+, David Hernandez and collaborators, whose two most recent performances, “ For Movement’s Sake” and “Hullabaloo” are presently touring.

CoursesContemporary dance