Katie is an American artist, a graduate of PARTS and The Ohio State University. She has danced for Daniel Linehan (USA), Martin Nachbar (GE), Benjamin Vandewalle (BE), Vera Tussing (GE), Rósa Omarsdóttir (IS), Thierry de May (BE), David Gordon (US), and as a guest artist for the Cullberg Ballet’s ‘Figure a Sea’, by Deborah Hay. Her own work questions the use of the body to find the unfamiliar in the familiar. In 2014, Katie created ‘Slogan for Modern Times’ with Inga Huld Hakonardottir, following that, she created ‘5 Seasons’ (2016) with Benjamin Pohlig. She premiered ‘We Will Have Had Darker Futures’ (2017) with Inga Huld Hakondottir and Rebecka Stillman. These pieces were performed and premiered in the festival Bouge B in deSingel and supported by institutions such as Dommelhof TAKT, Vooruit, School Van Gaasbeek, STUK, wpZimmer, Uferstudios, and Schloss Bröllin.She finished ‘The home of Dance’, a researchproject on rethinking the theatre home (supported by Flanders government). Currently, Katie is receiving her MFA at University of the Arts in Philadelphia.
Function: Contemporary dance and Artistic practice - creation