Sabrina Seifried is a designer and stylist based in Hamburg and Brussels. She works between costume design and fashion, with a focus on the various visual forms of pop, from music videos to editorials and live performances. Costume collaborations include artists like Daniela Bershan, Tim Bruening, Deichkind, Peter Hönnemann, Lady Bitch Ray and Ula Sickle. Sabrina is co-founder of addlabel which releases editions in collaboration with visual artists and since 2021 she works with Joëlle Laederach under the name wang consulting, a fashion label that produces individual pieces from preloved sources. Her works, projects and collaborations have been shown at Berlin Art Week, Int. Summerfestival Kampnagel, Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof, Il Caminetto, Museum of Arts & Crafts Hamburg, U-jadowzki Castle, Wiener Festwochen ao and have been published in arte, JUICE, REVS and ZEIT magazine.
Function: Artistic Practice: Scenography and Costume