Vivien Tauchmann is a designer, researcher and educator exploring socio-political relations through embodied and kinaesthetic approaches. By working at the crossroads of relational design, performative arts and pedagogy her practice centres around the notion that our bodies have a profound affect on the way we perceive others and act towards them. In positioning the human body as interconnected material, she seeks to expose and confront aspects of human-made infrastructures and subvert processes which constitute social and cultural boundaries of power and injustice.Her works are applied in different contexts, such as workshops and public events, and include contributions to "Design Campus: Design & Democracy” at Kunstgewerbemuseum Dresden, “Stay LIVE at Home” by performistanbul, or “the new local” in Brussels as part of Precarious Pavilions.
In addition to her own work and collaborations, she is visiting lecturer amongst others at Design Academy Eindhoven, Sandberg Instituut Amsterdam and Bauhaus University Weimar and active in several initiatives, like the Clean Clothes Campaign. Vivien graduated from the Faculty of Applied Arts in Schneeberg (DE) and with a Masters in Social Design from Design Academy Eindhoven (NL). Currently she is based in Leipzig, Germany.
Function: Unravelling Embodiment