Music as living language ENG | AP School Of Arts Skip to main content
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Music as living language

Classical music and improvisation have rarely coexisted since a hundred years. This project researches whether and how an improvisational approach can enrich the musician within its own music praxis and in inter-artistic collaboration.
Does an improvisational approach lead to a more engaged attitude towards the piece during the study process? The own music praxis is investigated through observational participation by analyzing relations between improvisation, creative approach and involvement as a musician in the classical repertoire. This is done via a logbook, audio and video recordings and short surveys after concerts. Furthermore, the projects investigates whether the improvisational approach has an impact on the performance and thus increases the involvement of the public. Can these improvisations on stage form a contemporary version of ‘praeludieren'?
Can the classical musician, through improvisation, come to an intrinsic understanding of and enter into a dialogue with another art language? Does his commitment to the repertoire of other art branches change after an interdisciplinary-collaborative improvisation experience? For this, Hélène Elst works with her interdisciplinary improvisation ensemble, Impr'essie Antwerp, to organize improvisation sessions and performances in different inter-artistic constellations. Out of this research a format for interdisciplinary theater, with place for improvisation and repertoire, is developed.