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The thinking eye

Several existing methods from psychology show visual components. For example, hypnosis methods such as Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR), visualization techniques, projection tests such as the Rorschachtest and the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) and the discourse on psychoanalytic literature.

The questions for this research are focused on the visual appearance of these methods: Who made these images? How did they come about? What is their effect and in what way is this contained in the visual? To what extent is their operation up-to-date, proven or disputed?

On the other hand, the research starts from the instrumental function of the image. In visual methods from psychology, the image is never an end in itself, as in the visual arts, but is used because of its effect: personality analysis, behavioral change or even healing. The experimental character of this interdisciplinary research will start from painting and reach out to other disciplines such as psychology, art history, psychological philosophy, neuroscience, semiotics and visual perception.

It is essential to consult psychologists, neuroscientists and other experts and to involve them in the research. This research also tries to explore the potentiality of a pictorial visual language in the light of the human sciences.