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  • Artistic Practice - Repertoire - The Kuru Field of Justice

Artistic Practice - Repertoire - The Kuru Field of Justice

2018 - fragment from 'The Kuru Field of Justice', Bachelor 1 and 2 Dance with Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui.
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  • Artistic Practice - Creation - The Weight of the Skin

Artistic Practice - Creation - The Weight of the Skin

2019 - fragment from 'The Weight of the Skin' - bachelor 1 Dance and Labo dancers with Tijen Lawton
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  • Artistic Practice - Choreography - Solo not solo

Artistic Practice - Choreography - Solo not solo

2020 - Solo not solo by bachelor 3 Dance Kim Joon Young
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  • Artistic Practice - Choreography - Solo not solo

Artistic Practice - Choreography - Solo not solo

2020 - Solo not solo 'Sacudida' by bachelor 3 Dance Julia Rubies
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  • Artistic Practice - Choreography - Solo site specific

Artistic Practice - Choreography - Solo site specific

2020 - Solo site specific by bachelor 2 Dance Raphael Damasceno Ferreira de Moura
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  • Artistic Practice - Projects - Symposium Inclusive Dance - 2018

Artistic Practice - Projects - Symposium Inclusive Dance - 2018

'Bodies in space', Documentary of the 2018 Symosium on Inclusive Dance. Made by students Journalism of AP University College.
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  • Artistic Practice - Creation - studio rehearsal with Anton Lachky

Artistic Practice - Creation - studio rehearsal with Anton Lachky

2018 - footage from a studio rehearsal for the 2017 final performance of bachelor 1 Dance
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  • Artistic Practice - Creation - Teaser 'The End'

Artistic Practice - Creation - Teaser 'The End'

2018 - Jos Baker with bachelor 3 students
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  • Training and skill development - The future dance artist now

Training and skill development - The future dance artist now

2020 - THE FUTURE DANCE ARTIST NOW - an insight in the current programme by Karel Tuytschaever
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  • Wishes for 2021 

Wishes for 2021 

May you forget your curfew May you use your hands to care again May you sink into the sands without wondering when to gasp for air ...
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