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  • Studio rehearsal with Anton Lachky

Studio rehearsal with Anton Lachky

2018 - footage from a studio rehearsal for the 2017 final performance of bachelor 1 Dance
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  • The future dance artist now

The future dance artist now

2020 - THE FUTURE DANCE ARTIST NOW - an insight in the current programme by Karel Tuytschaever
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  • What students, teachers and alumni say about: master Dance

What students, teachers and alumni say about: master Dance


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  • Dans - Talking Hands/ In Spite of Wishing and Wanting

Dans - Talking Hands/ In Spite of Wishing and Wanting

2018 - fragment from 'Talking Hands'/ 'In Spite of Wishing and Wanting', Bachelor 3 Dance with Ultima Vez, Wim Vandekeybus
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  • Daniel Linehan and Dance students: an exercise in time and space

Daniel Linehan and Dance students: an exercise in time and space

Before the summer break, the last-year students of the bachelor's programme in Dance should have graduated with a joint work, under the supervision of choreographer and dancer Daniel Linehan. Two months after graduation and a fascinating creative process later, they meet again, on stage. 
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  • Quite specific solos - BA2 Dans

Quite specific solos - BA2 Dans

The creation of a site specific solo is an important part of the curriculum of the bachelor 2 Dance. The fact that the projects could not be created and presented on the Campus did not stop the students. They adapted the task to the new situation during a two-week research, and created their solos using video as a medium. The result can be seen in the form of a six-day online festival.
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  • Course material Dance: Yoga with Judith Clijsters

Course material Dance: Yoga with Judith Clijsters

Roll out your yoga mat and join Judith Clijsters' yoga classes.
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  • NextDoors 2020 in retrospect

NextDoors 2020 in retrospect

Take a trip down memory lane with this NextDoors 2020 trailer. NextDoors is the annual interdisciplinary project week. The whole week is the campus of the students and they work with or without teachers on an interdisciplinary project with fellow students of all courses. At the end of the week they show each other the results of their work.
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