Transmitting the body
Asymptotic Freedom
De Organisatie als Kunstwerk
Les doigts acrobatiques, la fantaisie libérée. The artistic playground in keyboard methods from the 19th century
Contextual Conductor: Practical Case Studies and Presentations
Stadsklanken XIX: De auditieve ecologie van het 19de-eeuwse Antwerpen
It Doesn’t Work
GAP (Graff as project) - Artistic research on contemporary urban art in practice
Perversiteit in perspectief
‘Hier is de zanger met z’n stem en z’n verhaal’: de werkkamer van Wannes Van de Velde als artistiek labo
Physicality in the performing arts: knowledge, creation, experience and transmission in times of lockdown
Extending Body and Material Reinvented
The traditions of mandolin music in the regions of Crete and Athens
Revising and Connecting Body and Material Reinvented
Hearing a Culture: Integrating Sound and Environmental Elements of Braga's Festivities into new compositions
Empty Pages
Blurry scanning
Form and Material in Visual and Auditory Perception
Time Labs
KineMusical Performance – An artistic journey into creative multimodal improvisation
What do we need?
The traditions of mandolin music in the regions of Asia Minor and the Ionian Islands
Partisans of the real (PhD)