Noorderlicht 2022
De Woensdagen
The Mottolese Archive
Look Into My I’s
The significance, importance and possibilities of participatory art in a multi-cultural and multi-social urban environment
Digital Tubes
Een saxofoonpionier in beeld: het uitvoeren van opdrachtwerken uit de vroege twintigste eeuw aan Sigurd Rascher
Sense of Wonder. Artistic portals between the real and the virtual
Hybrid Score
Ask your hands to know the things they hold
A KIND OF A ‘HUH?’* Artists' publications, a manual
Environmental consciousness hypothesis
Belgium to Japan by foot
Cripping the stage: from crip theory to crip practice
Professionalising the (teaching) artist through process drama performances
Studio Stadswaag
Perspectives on time in the music by Stockhausen: the experience of a performer
Pondering/Theremin. Nostalgia and the art of traces
On Tables
The Desert of The Real
‘C’est aussi beau que du Fauré.’ August De Boeck’s orchestral songs rediscovered