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Flanders DC

Who are we?

Flanders DC, or Flanders District of Creativity in full, is the unique point of contact for entrepreneurship in the creative sector. We are the result of a merger between Flanders DC, Design Flanders and Flanders Fashion Institute. As a non-profit organization we work on behalf of the Flemish government and take a neutral position. For example, we support creative entrepreneurs with the start, growth or professional expansion of their business. We also ensure more Return on Creativity.

What do we do?

Flanders DC informs and advises - In our online business guide, every creative professional will find a source of relevant information. In addition, anyone with the ambition to make a success of their entrepreneurial plan can come to us for sound, business advice.

Flanders DC connects and inspires - Through our events we try to promote cross-pollination across the borders of sectors. Our workshops and seminars not only provide access to inspiring experts, but are also a breeding ground for surprising and constructive connections.

Flanders DC opens doors abroad - Why should you, as a creative entrepreneur, limit yourself to the domestic market? Flanders DC facilitates access to market opportunities through important international trade fairs or business trips for the fashion, design and gaming sector.

Flanders DC brings recognition - With the prestigious Henry van de Velde Awards, the Belgian Fashion Awards, but also our online magazine or the 'Ik Koop België / J'Achète Belge' campaign, we bring people, companies and products from our small country into a global spotlight.

Flanders DC networks - Flanders DC is the initiator and coordinator of the international Districts of Creativity Network and is a member of the World Crafts Council (WCC), the United Fashion Europe association and the United Fashion project. We are partners in many regional, national and international networks about the creative sector and cross-fertilization with that sector.


By email - Contact us via info@flandersdc.be.

by phone - You can reach us on our general number +32 (0)1 624 29 24.