Is a historian and manager in the arts. He performed research on various topics regarding the history of music and the arts. He has been a guest lecturer and writer for the International Arts Center deSingel for over ten years. His current research interests go out to the contemporary history of the European conservatoires. Since 2001 he has been involved up close in the most recent developments in contemporary music as director of HERMESensemble, an Antwerp based professional ensemble devoted to new music.
He is the research coordinator of the Royal Conservatoire Antwerp (AP University College), advising the Music, Drama and Dance departments on all educational issues involving research and research competences, and organizing the various research projects and doctorates in the arts of the conservatoire. As research coordinator he is a member of the board and the staff of the Royal Conservatoire, and the representative in the research board of the University of Antwerp and in the Antwerp Research Institute for the Arts (ARIA). He also represents the conservatoire in the advisory council of docARTES. Concerning artistic research policy issues he has been involved, and published about, in several preliminary enquiries regarding the evaluation of artistic research in Flanders. Representing the Royal Antwerp Conservatoire, he participates in the organizing committee of the European Platform for Artistic Research in Music (EPARM).