HARD TIMES GOOD TIMES - on discomfort, sublimation and movement
Encounters. Today’s music performance scene as a space of social and phygital interaction
FAAM: Flemish Archive for Annotated Music
The Chromatic Illusion within the Photographic Universe
Between Old Habits and New Habitats
Theatre with the elderly – never too old to make a scene
Making Sense
Calling songs
The desirability of difference
This Small House Is All We Need
Knitting the archive
AI Musicking: Innovative Approaches to Musical Co-creation through Machine Learning
Exe-xe-xercising feedback loops
Virtual Matter: Metamaterialisations of computational processes
Sonifying Landscapes
Problematizing Interdisciplinary Performance Through Noise
God Save The Queers – The (not so) secret life of Saints
See What I Mean
PRACTICE: A METAPHOR - Metaphorizing practices and practicing metaphors
On the Perpetual Becoming of Sculpture and History and Their Moments of Convergence
Hyperwithin: a shy dramaturgy in shadowtimes
Benoit’s language
Archival research Jef Geys